
  • Peer-reviewed journal article

Wang, A. H., Yao-Yuan Yeh, Fang-Yu Chen, and Charles K.S. Wu. 2024. “Strategic Ambiguity, Strategic Clarity, and Dual ClarityForeign Policy Analysis Online First.

Wang, A. H., and Darrell Carter. 2024. “Past is Present: Underestimating Contemporary Reprisal in the Legacy of Political ViolencePolitical Science Accepted

Wang, A. H., Yao-Yuan Yeh, Fang-Yu Chen, and Charles K.S. Wu. 2024. “Undertow in Taiwan: Nationalism and Calculation of the cross-strait Relations (2002-2022)” Public Opinion Quarterly Online First

Wang, A. H. E., Wu, C. K., Chen, F. Y., & Yeh, Y. Y. (2024). “Taiwanese Support for Self-Defense after the Russo–Ukrainian War.” Asian Survey64(5), 756-780.

Kowal, M. et al. 2024. “Validation of the short version (TLS-15) of the Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45) across 37 Languages.” Archives of sexual behavior53(2), 839-857.

Herbert, Chang, Austin H. Wang, and Yu Sunny Fang. 2024. “US-Skepticism: Misinformation and Transnational Conspiracy in the 2024 Taiwanese Presidential ElectionsHKS Misinformation Review Online First.

Wang, A. H., Yao-Yuan Yeh, Fang-Yu Chen, and Charles K.S. Wu. 2024. “Undertow in Taiwan: Nationalism and Calculation of the cross-strait Relations (2002-2022)” Public Opinion Quarterly Accepted

Wang, A. H. 2023. “Who are the Non-separable Voters?” Electoral Studies Accepted

Wang, A. H., Yao-Yuan Yeh, Fang-Yu Chen, and Charles K.S. Wu. 2023. “High-level Visit and National Security Policy: Evidence from A Quasi-Experiment in TaiwanInternational Interactions Online First.

Wang, A. H., Yao-Yuan Yeh, Charles K.S. Wu, and Fang-Yu Chen. 2023 “Why Does Taiwan Identity Decline?Journal of Asian and African Studies Accepted. Replication File

Blackburn et al. 2023. “Mediation analysis of conspiratorial thinking and anti-expert sentiments on vaccine willingness.” Health Psychology Online First

Chen, Fang-Yu, A. H. Wang, Yao-Yuan Yeh, and Charles K.S. Wu. 2003. “The Multiverse of Taiwan’s Future: Reconsidering the Independence–Unification (Tondu) AttitudesPolitical Studies Review Online First.

Meskó et al. 2023. “Exploring Attitudes Toward “Sugar Relationships” Across 87 Countries: A Global Perspective on Exchanges of Resources for Sex and CompanionshipArchives of Sexual Behavior Online First.

Darrell Carter, Maddison Westcott, Ruth Boitel, and Austin Wang. 2023. “Puppet Anchor and China’s YouTube Information OperationTaiwan Politics Accepted

Wang, Austin H., and Nadia Eldemerdash. 2022. “National Identity, Willingness to Fight, and Collective Action” Journal of Peace Research Online First.

Wang, Austin H. 2022. “PM me the Truth? The Conditional Effectiveness of Fact-checks across Social Media Sites.” Social Media + Society Online First.

Kowal et al. 2022. “Predictors of Enhancing Human Physical Attractiveness: Data from 93 Countries.” Evolution and Human Behavior Accepted.

Cheng, C. C., Wu, Harry, Yeh, M.J., and Wang, A. H. 2022. “Comparing stress and behavioral coping strategies during the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis among domestic and overseas TaiwaneseScientific Reports Accepted.

Wu, C. K., Yeh, Wang, A. H., Yeh, Y., and Chen, F. Y. 2022. Public Support for the Use of Force in Non-Western and Non-Major Powers (NWNM): The Case of a China-Taiwan War. International Political Science Review Accepted.

Wang, A. H., Yao-Yuan Yeh, Fang-Yu Chen, and Charles K.S. Wu. “Media Literacy and Partisan Convergence across Social network sitesSocial Science Journal Online First.

Wang, Austin H., Yuan-Ning Chu, Fang-Yu Chen, and Ming-Jui Yeh. 2021. “Sacrifice for the mandate of heaven? Regression discontinuity of death penalty execution in Taiwan.” The Social Science Journal Online first.

Kselman, Daniel, Emerson Niou, and Austin H Wang. 2020. “Measuring ‘closeness’ in 3-candidate elections: Methodology and an application to strategic voting” Electoral Studies  68. Online first.

Hiko, Aly, and Austin H Wang. 2020. “Out-of-Control COVID-19 Pandemic Hampers the NationalismPolitical Studies Review Online first.

Wang, Austin H, Puma Shen, Mg Lee, and Min-Hsuan Wu. 2020. “Influencing Overseas Chinese by Tweets: Text-Images as the Key Tactic of Chinese Propaganda” Journal of Computational Social Science 3: 469-486.

Wang, Austin H. 2020. “Efficiency over Generosity? Evidence of Electoral Accountability from Typhoon Dayoff in TaiwanAsian Journal of Political Science forthcoming.

Wang, Austin H, Fei-Pei Lai, Fu-Shun Hsu, and Peter Shaojui Wang. 2020. “Mobilizing Sophisticated Donors: What Candidate Facebook Posts Do Attract Intra- and Inter-district Donations?” Issues and Studies 56 (4).

Wang, Austin H. 2020. “Do social movements encourage young people to run for office? Evidence from the 2014 Sunflower Movement in TaiwanJournal of Asian and African Studies forthcoming.

Wang, Austin H, Yao-Yuan Yeh, Fang-Yu Chen, and Charles K.S. Wu. 2020. “The Non-Consensus 1992 Consensus.” Asian Politics & Policy accepted.

Wang, Austin H. 2019. “The Myth of Polarization among Taiwanese Voters: The Missing MiddleJournal of East Asian Studies online first.

Wang, Austin H. 2019. “Patience, dynamic of protest, and democratic consolidationEuropean Political Science 18:473–490

Wang, Austin H, and Fang-Yu Chen. 2018. “Extreme Candidates as the Beneficent Spoiler? Range Effect in the Plurality Voting SystemPolitical Research Quarterly, online first.

Wang, Austin H. 2018. “Patience Moderates the Social Cleavage in Demand for RedistributionSocial Science Research 70: 18-27.

Wang, Austin H. 2017. “Patience as the Rational Foundation of Sociotropic VotingElectoral Studies 50: 15-25.

Wang, Austin H. 2017. “Waning Effect of China’s Carrot and Stick Policies toward Taiwanese People: Clamping down on Growing National Identity?Asian Survey 57:3 (May/June 2017).

Wang, Austin H. 2015. “Duverger’s Law as Scale Effect: Evidence from Taiwan 2014 Village Chief Elections.”  Taiwanese Journal of Electoral Studies Vol. 22, No.1, pp. 109-141.

Wang, Austin H. 2015. “Does Position Effect exist in Taiwan? Case of 2002 Local Council Election.”  Taiwanese Journal of Political Science Vol. 62: 195-220.

  • Peer-reviewed Archive

Blackburn et al. 2022. “COVIDiSTRESS diverse dataset on psychological and behavioural outcomes one year into the COVID-19 pandemic” Scientific Data 9: 331.

Yamada et al. 2021. “COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak” Scientific Data 8(3).

  • Peer-reviewed policy report and book chapter

Wang, Austin H. 2024. “AI-Generated Disinformation in the 2024 Taiwan Presidential Election,” eds Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. 

Chen, F. Y., Wang, A., Wu, C. K., & Yeh, Y. Y. 2024. “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Cross-Strait Relations.” In Public Opinion, Policy Responses, and Party Politics under the COVID-19 Pandemic, 149.

Lin, Chia-Yu, and Austin H. Wang. 2024. “How does TikTok shape the Preference for Cross-Strait Relationships in Taiwan?” in New Developments in the Trilateral Relationship between the United States, Taiwan, and China. Publisher: Lexington Books. (Accepted)

Wang, Austin H. 2023. “Politics in Taipei” in Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies,eds SOAS Centre of Taiwan Studies at the University of London.

Wang, Austin H. 2023. “Qualitative and Quantitative Changes of Taiwan Studies in the political science discipline (1987-2022)” in Political Science: The State of the Discipline: 20th Anniversary of IPSAS, eds. Wu et al. Publisher: Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

Wang, Austin H., and Rauchfleisch, Adrian. 2022. “Understanding the #MilkTeaAlliance Movement.” 2021-22 Wilson China Fellowship: Essays on China and U.S. Policy.

Wang, Austin H. 2020. “DPP in the Opposition” in Templeman, Kharis et al. (eds.) Dynamics of Democracy in Taiwan: The Ma Ying-jeou Years, Chapter 3. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wang, Austin H. 2015. “The Connection and Effectiveness of the iVoter in Taiwan’s 2012 Legislative Election” in Liao, Da-chi et al. (eds.) Political Behavior and Technology: Voting Advice Applications in East Asia, Chapter 7. London: Palgrave Macmillan.